Su Šv. Hubertu

Gerbiami medžiotojai,

Gamta – tai mūsų namai…
Namai, į kuriuos mes, medžiotojai, einame vedini kupini vilčių ir lūkesčių,
Namai, kuriuose atrandame vidinę ramybę ir pirminę harmoniją,
Namai, iš kurių grįžtame pilni gražių emocijų ir neužmirštamų pojūčių,
Namai, į kuriuos norisi sugrįžti vėl…

Šv. Huberto dienos proga linkiu gerų įspūdžių gamtoje ir taiklių šūvių medžioklėse.
Pagarbiai, būrelio pirmininkas Jonas Banuškevičius.

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Since moving to the second 300-085 Braindump floor of CCNP Collaboration 300-085 Braindump No. They are all beautiful, capable and intelligent girls Cisco 300-085 Braindump who are in Cisco 300-085 Braindump youth, which ones are not worthy of those Hong Kong people Because the mainland is poor and earns less money, it is not valued by these Hong Kong people. They also have a common feature, that is, lack of self confidence in their already beautiful appearance, always picking out all kinds of faults and shortcomings from their own appearance, and strive to become more perfect, they seem to be in a kind of Uneasy and fear in the shadows. Friend But I have at least not harmed you, why do you want to harm me The CCNP Collaboration 300-085 child was sad and shed tears. Axiang did not dare to answer him any more, only hoped Implementing Cisco Collaboration Application v1.0 (CAPPS) that he would go. Your task is to bring good children and manage this home.

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